For "live" links, please download the Newsletter.
Updated: Mar 14, 2021
Updated: Mar 14, 2021
For "live" links, please download the Newsletter.
Here is what was discussed at the TSBDE emergency meeting about Rule 108.7. These updates will be presented to the governor. If accepted, they will be added to the register.
*Please understand that TDHA has nothing to do with the decisions on these updates and rules. We are only reporting to you, the hygienists of Texas, what The Texas State Board of Dental Examiner's has decided*
That's a wrap folks! Thank you to those that joined us this weekend! So thankful for all those that worked so hard on all the behind the scene aspects of this virtual conference (There were many volunteers involved!).
I would like to introduce to you, the 2021-2022 TDHA Board of Directors!
President - Janessa Bock
Pres-Elect - Annette Smith
Immediate Past President - Marian Tajchman
Vice President - Mercedes Mendoza
Treasurer - Cathy Nobles
Secretary - Stacy Limas
Speaker of the House - Angela Do
Communications Director - Shawna Greer
Membership Director - Nisa Hashmani
Professional Development Director - Cindie Pierce
Legislative Director - LeeAnn Winkler
Student Affairs Director - Christina Horton
Office of Educator Liaison - Kristi Dalton
Austin - Melissa Vetter
Bay Area - Connie Groves
Brazos Valley - Marque Mathis
Central Texas - Melissa Terry
Greater Collin - Mandy Weems
Concho - Jessi Jost
Corpus Christi - Brittany Johnson
Dallas - Kassandra Bowie
East Texas - Kayla Golden
Fort Worth - Sarabeth Ballard
Houston - Angela Do
North Texas - Alisha Bell
Rio Grande - Iliana Farias
San Antonio - Jodie Hostetter