​The Institute of Oral Health Foundation helps advance the dental hygiene profession by:
Empowering dental hygienists to improve the public’s health through community service grants
Supporting advancements in the dental hygiene profession through research grants
Developing dental hygienists’ access to educational programs through scholarships

In FY24, the ADHA's IOH Foundation provided over $189,000 in scholarships and grant funding. There were 18 scholarships awarded through 13 named funds, 21 Community Service Grants through 3 named funds, and 1 General Research Grant, which represents a total of 40 ADHA members being professionally served by IOH programs.
Check out the full list of this year's scholarship and grant recipients at www.adha.org/ioh/
The IOH Foundation is excited to announce the addition of 1 new scholarship and 1 new grant, for the upcoming application season. The PDT/Anne Battrell Vision of Excellence Scholarship will be open to bachelor-level candidates who are committed to shaping the future of the dental hygiene profession through their active participation within the field. The Kimberly Benkart OMT Research Grant will be open to professionals that have at least 3 years' experience with Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy and are pursuing research data, dedicated to the furthering of this special focus in dental hygiene.
**Applications for the 2024-2025 open in the Fall of 2024**